Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Early Detection Offers Immediate Cure to Anorexia

Anorexia Nervosa
Be a vegetarian to escape Anorexia Nervosa (AN). Most western citizens with Eating Disorder (ED) have turned vegetarians, including the top Hollywood and Bollywood celebrities like Pamela Anderson and Aamir khan. Vegan diets tend to be higher in dietary fiber, magnesium, folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin E, iron and phytochemicals, and low in calories, saturated fat, cholesterol, long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, calcium, zinc and vitamin B12. Well-planned vegan diets can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease.

Many studies have suggested that vegetarianism and anorexia are not independent but intertwined, the process may either anorexics turn to vegetarianism as part of their symptomology which may taint the research findings, or that vegetarianism may be an escape route for someone who might otherwise become anorexic.

According to standards in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic (APAD) individuals with anorexia nervosa decline to maintain normal body weight depending on the age and height; they are intensely awful of gaining weight or becoming fat, and exhibit a significant disturbance in the perception of body weight or size. Moreover, for women, the diagnosis insists on loss of periods for at least 3 consecutive cycles i.e. amenorrhea. Whereas in males, amenorrhea is lacking, further it makes difficult to detect anorexia in males. However most of the studies report that male and female with anorexia behave the same way.

Anorexia Nervosa is a form of self-starvation and eating disorder characterized by a distorted body image that leads to restricted eating and other behaviour that prevents a person from gaining weight.

According to a survey among college students, 2% of male population perceived to be overweight among 13 % were actually weighed, whereas females 50% perceived to be overweight. Men don’t desire for tuning of sizes like female “size zero” and are not prone to anorexia.

Although the cultures shared by the male and female has got pressure to attain a look to visually pleasurable and appropriate. Yet there is difference in pressure perceived among the genders, nevertheless males can get eating disorders too.

How to diagnose Anorexia? - Parents, teachers, and instructors may be able to identify the child or adolescent with anorexia. Child psychiatrist or a qualified mental health professional usually diagnoses anorexia in children and adolescents by taking a detailed history of the child's behaviour from parents and teachers. Clinical observations of the child's behaviour, and, sometimes, psychological testing contribute to the diagnosis. Parents who note symptoms of anorexia in their child or teen can help by seeking an evaluation and treatment early. Early treatment can often prevent future problems.

Anorexia, and the malnutrition that results, can adversely affect nearly every organ system in the body, increasing the importance of early diagnosis and treatment. Anorexia can be fatal. Consult your child's doctor for more information.

Prevention of AN? -Preventive measures to reduce the incidence of anorexia are not known at this time. However, early detection and intervention can reduce the severity of symptoms.

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