Friday, 25 March 2016

Back to Traditional Culinary to Foster Public Health

Westerns nations glorify their achievements on terms of technology and economy by showcasing the advancements in the fields of industry, technology, law, politics, economies and lifestyles, clothing, language etc. Media of mass communication are playing great role in influencing people of non- western origin in adopting western hair color, skin texture, straightens hair and shape. However, it is evident that introduction of western features in the traditional non-Western cultures. Interestingly, the current public health issues related to dietary is driving people increasingly towards Synbiotics. At this juncture, here is an emerging concept that is encouraging public to revisit their indigenous traditional culinary tastes and habits.

Probiotics are defined as viable mass of microorganisms, which reaches intestine to employ positive health effects. Probiotics is defined as fermented ingredient which facilitates specific changes, both in the composition and the activities of the intestinal flora that confers benefits upon host wellbeing and health. Combined synergistic positive health effect of pro- and prebiotics, called as synbiotics. These organisms are called autochthonous members of ecosystem.

digestive diseases
digestive diseases
Up to date bifidogenic, non-digestible oligosaccharides (particularly inulin, its hydrolysis product like oligofructose, and (trans) galactooligosaccharides), fulfill all the criteria for prebiotic classification. It is possible to find solutions to the emerging health care problems using synergetic prebiotic diet.

Prebiotic fibers are often natural constituents of a variety of foods, especially whole grains, fruits, root and other vegetables, and legumes. Major part of western diet is lacking prebiotic fibers; consumption of these contributes very low to the colon health.

Well accepted and established synbiotics effects are enlisted: a. lactose intolerance b. antibiotic associated diarrhea c. reducing carcinogenic metabolites in the colon d. inhibiting Helicobacter pylori infection or bacterial overgrowth e. Prevention of respiratory tract infections like common cold, influenza and urogenital infections f. positive effects on lipid metabolism g. stimulation of mineral adsorption and immunomodulatory properties.

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