Tuesday, 10 May 2016


The Topic ‘Plant’s communication’ is relatively a new Science and a few decades old. The fact that trees communicate with each other seems amazing. This communication can be seen above the ground through some hormones, and below the ground through the regulation of fungus on their roots.

More than 90% of land plants have symbiotic relationship with fungi. Fungal networks enhance host plants' immune systems. It increases the synthesis of defense-related chemicals and makes immune system’s responses faster and efficient called as "priming". Big and old trees are hubs for fungal mycorrhizal network, plays a key role in communicating with other tress, especially their kin. They send signals through the mycorrhizal networks. When a seedling on the forest floor, near to one of these mother trees, links into that network and gets accesses network resource. So, Fungi are called as 'Earth's natural internet’.

This mode of communication was first identified by the scientist using the radioisotopes to trace carbon, nitrogen and water moving between two trees. When one tree is shaded, carbon-based sugars would flow into it from the other tree. These two trees used fungal networks to share resources.

Abovethe ground communication is carried by release of volatile chemicals. Some chemicals attract predators that eat pests, and this type of chemical communication can also be observed below ground. Some plants release these chemicals to alert other plants to activate the immune system. However Interplant communication by chemicals works well only in the lab, and it’s not convincing in the field.

Even though the subject looks small and simple, there is much to be explored in the point of identifying new communication systems, which may be used for betterment of mankind and environment.

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Beware of it on the eve of World Asthma Day

At a time when the entire world observes the Asthma day on every first Tuesday in the month of May, it would be appropriate to hint the simple tips that would avoid chronic health disorders like Asthma, as 3 million affected patients across the globe are affected by it.

insights in allergy asthma bronchitis
insights in allergy asthma bronchitis
As many as 300 reasons, including dusting, food (chocolates & monosodium glutamate), smoke, pollen, and emotions (laughing / crying) may act as allergens to trigger intensified Asthma. Several reasons related to our lifestyles including staying prolonged hours in AS rooms and DNA damages may also trigger Asthma.

While the patients that feel allergic to external forces labeled as Extrinsic Asthma (EA, those that are disturbed due to emotions are categorized as Intrinsic Asthma (IA).

Simple measures make great difference to Asthma affected. Eat nutritious food rich with Apple, Avocado, kiwi, spinach, and add turmeric, pepper, mint tea and ginger as part of your diet. Exercise, particularly the breathing exercises, including yoga and maintain personal hygiene. Spotting the exact cause that cause allergy is very important as people diversified reasons that may vary from person must be identified to handle it better.

Early detection provides great relief with simple measures as Asthma is equally lethal.